
Archive for February, 2010

Chapter 35 is up at FF.net now.  I’ll have it on here sometime this weekend.  Thanks for reading it guys!


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Taste Chapter 4 is up on FF.net and already here but here’s a link if you want to check it out there, and you know, leave me reviews cause I am a review whore.


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It’s up over at FF.net and I’ll get 33 and 34 posted here today, I promise!


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One Woman’s View On Tiger

I haven’t said word one about Tiger Woods since Thanksgiving and the whole late night accident, women coming out of the woodwork scenario.  Yeah, I’ve talked to my mother about it a little bit I haven’t written about it for one reason: it’s not any of my business what Tiger Woods does in his personal life.  I really don’t care if he bangs a new woman nightly.  I think it’s sad for his family and I feel for his wife but it doesn’t have anything to do with me.  He doesn’t owe ME an apology.

The press is frothing at the mouth over his “press conference” and how they are entitled to answers.  Entitled?  Why?  Does Tiger Woods’ sex life have anything to do with them?  Did it effect his performance on the golf course?  If it did, I’d say it probably effected it for the better so what the hell are they complaining about?

Tiger used the word “entitled” in his speech as well.  And I guess maybe the fact that I have always viewed “entitled” rich people in a negative light might be why I wasn’t remotely surprised when the women started running to the press screaming of their loving affairs with Tiger.  It’s probably a sad commentary on society, or maybe on me, that I fully expect rich, powerful people to be unfaithful to their families.  I’m not surprised when it’s the President, a famous actor or a famous athlete.  The simple fact is, these men and women have access to just about anybody and anything they want.  Do I justify them taking it, especially when they have a family waiting for them at home?  Hell no, but I get it.  We’re all tempted by something.

I remember how utterly shocked my mother was when the Tiger news started leaking, because she thought he was better than that, he was a good person.  She felt like the person she knew wasn’t real anymore.  But none of us know Tiger.  He’s a private person (or was) and all we got to see was a carefully maintained image.  Had we looked, though, I don’t think we would really have been remotely shocked when allegations came out.

Look at who Tiger’s best friends are:  Michael Jordan (who had extramarital affairs and even a grown son out of wedlock), Charles Barkley (uh hello, drunk driving to get a blow job ring a bell), Warren Sapp (also rumored cheater and recently arrested on domestic violence charges)…um, generally you are who you hang out with.  Is it any surprise that Tiger wasn’t the perfect family guy that we all decided he was?

I laughed when I heard that Golf Digest was boycotting Tiger’s speech today because they weren’t going to get to ask him any questions.  What does Golf Digest need to know other than when he’ll return?  Do they want photos of Woods’ getting it on with the women?  Do they expect him to give a timeline of when he started cheating?  What does it have to do with them?  What does it have to do with any of us?

Does Tiger owe the children who looked up to him an apology? Maybe…but that conversation is more important for a parent to have with a child than for a child to listen to on a television.  And frankly I wouldn’t want my kid thinking or hearing about such things but to each their own.

Does he owe an apology to the people who work for him?  Only for the distractions it has provided, the questions they’ve had to answer and/or avoid.  The same goes for his fellow golfers; he can apologize to them for them having to answer questions about him but many of them owe their publicity to him in the first place.  Sorry, but it’s true.  Tiger is the PGA to much of the world.  And I wouldn’t be so quick to cast stones in his direction if I were a fellow golfer, because I bet cash money that Tiger is not alone in the whole cheating business.

Does he owe you and me an apology?  No.  He owes us nothing.  If he owes us anything, it’s working hard to get back on the course where he belongs.  Golf is not the same without him and I know I don’t pay any attention when Tiger’s not playing.  I’d love to see him back on Augusta in contention but it’ll happen when it happens.

Tiger owes his wife and his wife’s family and his children and mother an apology.  He owes them answers and explanations.  He owes them heartfelt words.  Not us.  I’ve heard criticism already that Tiger was robotic…what’s new with that?  He pretty much always has been and he’s up there in front of the world exposing his sins…should he have cried?  Would you want to cry on the world stage?  I sure as hell wouldn’t.  Of course he read his speech word for word, the dumbest thing possible would be to get up there without everything written down.  And he didn’t even have to do that, no matter what the media would have us believe.

I’m not going to speak on what Tiger’s wife should do, if she should forgive him or not.  That’s up to her.  I doubt I could in her situation but I don’t have two little kids to think about either.  This situation is going to haunt Tiger for the rest of his life, no matter if he actually stood up and gave us a breakdown of every single act he committed.  That and his home strife is punishment enough for me.

Maybe I’m betraying my gender by not being more worked up about it but really it doesn’t matter to me.  These women knew he was married going into it and they were idiots if they thought they meant anymore than sexual gratification to him.  Should that offend me?  They knew what they were doing.  Elin is the only wronged party in that whole mess as far as I’m concerned.

I wish Elin and Tiger the best as they struggle to deal with the scrutiny that she in particular does not deserve.  I’m not going to look and/or listen to any more of it.  I’m not addressing it again.  One and done.  I’m just going to wait patiently to see that red Nike shirt again on Sundays.  That’s the only thing I need from Tiger Woods.

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Not So Lost Any More

The best Locke is NotLocke but I am still pretty partial to DeadLocke.

Well hello fellow Losties! I apologize for not posting last week but all you would have gotten was a giant WTF? about 283239 times over so I refrained.  I wanted to ponder what we saw and by the time I was done with that the next episode was on.  And I’m far happier for having watched it.

FINALLY!!!! we have the answer to the numbers.  And even though it spins out a whole new set of questions, since this has been plaguing us since season 1 I’m pretty darn happy that we got that much.  As we now know, the numbers correspond to Jacob’s list on the cave wall that NotLocke showed Sawyer.  Only 6 numbers remained, our fated 6 that we’ve been hearing from the beginning.  And those number corresponded with the names Shepherd, Locke, Forde, Jarrah, Reyes & Kwon. These are the possible candidates to be the new Jacob, protector of the island.

On the surface it would appear that that means Jack, Locke, Sawyer, Sayid, Hurley or Jin/Sun are eligible.  Not necessarily though.  Let’s not forget that Claire is Jack’s sister and disappeared and the Emperor Toga (whatever his name is) indicated that Smokey had her.  Just like he supposedly has Sayid.  What I actually think happened is that they murdered Claire and Sayid to try to make them a vessel of Jacob and for whatever reason it didn’t work.  That doesn’t necessarily mean they’re compromised by Smokey but Temple Freaks believe that.  We’ll see.

Anyway, since Claire is a Shepherd, so is baby Aaron.  And after we saw that random blond kid yelling at NotLocke about how he couldn’t kill Jacob, it seems a good possibility that young Aaron could be future island leader, at least in my mind.

I’m not sure how Locke is still on the list when he’s dead and his form is being used by Smokey, but whatever.  What’s interesting is who is not on the list that’s lived: Kate, Rose & Bernard.  Now we know Rose & Bernard are unimportant to the island, they’ve barely been on at all.  But Kate’s been all over the damn place and she was marked by Jacob as a kid so I’m surprised she’s not part of this.  Unless, of course, her part was to take care of Aaron; seeing as she’s helped with him in both our reality and the alt reality this seems to be highly probable.  If I were to dip into biblical terms, she’s kind of the Virgin Mary of the situation.  Hee, Kate a virgin, right!  But you get my point, I hope, that like Mary, she was given the responsibility of raising the chosen child.  Just a thought.

Tying Lost back to the bible is never going to be my forte, as my churchgoing is limited to once a year at Xmas, but I’ve read enough biblical comparisons that I feel pretty comfortable with the parallel.  Even if Jacob is not exactly God and Esau/NotLocke is not exactly the devil; Tripp pointed out to me that they are probably good/evil and they are both needed to balance the scales.  This was backed up quite prominently when there was actually a scale in the cave holding a white rock and a black rock and NotLocke threw the white rock into the water.

In other island news, Ilana whined about her dead compatriots and I didn’t care and rooted for Ben to kill her.  Alas, he did not but he gave the awesomest of burial speeches for DeadLocke and made me happy all the same.  “He was a good man, a true believer, blah blah and I’m very sorry I murdered him.”  HEE!  I loved how everybody was like WTF? and Frank was all hilarious with his commentary about the craziness.

Sawyer is hanging with NotLocke and he was given the option to become the keeper of the island or to get the hell off and not surprisingly Sawyer took the road that would get him home.  Once his friends start dying, though, methinks he’ll get the hell away from NotLocke.

Richard was also given the option of partying with the dark side but he chose the light.  I still don’t get him.  I guess if we’re paralleling again, he’s some sort of disciple?  A true follower that never waivers.  Hmm…so who’s our Judas?  Ben?  Do we not have one yet?

In other news, this was a Locke episode off the island which you knew I was not going to truly like.  I was smacked over the head with his wussiness time and again and did not enjoy it.  Though I did laugh when his lift didn’t work right and he fell on the lawn and got sprinkled. hehe I’m an evil bitch and would totally hang with NotLocke and Ben.  I admit this freely.

Anyhow, in alt reality Locke still has beloved Helen but he does not have his job, cause they were pissed that he lied about his trip to Australia.  He then runs into Hurley who offers him a job within his company and sends him to none other than Rose.  Locke gets pissy about what he can and can’t do and Rose smacks him down with her “I have terminal cancer, you’re just in a wheelchair, I win” and tries to help him find a job he’s qualified for.  How that turns out to be teaching in a high school is beyond me but that’s where he ends up.

Ladies & Gentlemen, you're European History teacher! Hee!

And who is there?  None other than one Mr. Benjamin Linus, that’s who!  I about fell over when I heard his voice in the teacher’s lounge, bitching about the person forgetting to change the coffee filter.  Then Locke announces that he wants tea (like what, Ben is going to serve him? Bitch please!) and Ben turns around, excited to have a man of taste on board.  He introduces himself as the European History teacher.  Hehe Can you imagine beady-eyed Ben as your teacher?  I’d be freaked the hell out, that’s for sure.  I love him so.

Also, while Locke was in the midst of his billionth whine about his life sucks, he told Helen that he was not going to meet with Jack for his free consult and together they ripped up the card.  Jackass.  I was hoping Jack might kill him on the operating table.  Oh well, I guess one DeadLocke is all I’m going to get for now.

So, what else?  I’m thrilled to see Ben being Benlike again, you can’t keep that crazy guy down for long.  I laughed when he lied and told Ilana that NotLocke had killed Jacob, that might come back to haunt them at some point.  She gathered up some of his ashes, which I found interesting.  Very Smokeylike, no?  Maybe they need those to make TrueJacob rise in whomever agrees to house him.  Right now my money is on Jack who is NewLocke, or over course Aaron.  We shall see.

Soooo that’s it for now, hopefully next week will have more awesomely stunning revelations and we can talk about em here!

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Feast or Famine

You know I love it when they're in suits

This week’s Supernatural, My Bloody Valentine, might have been one of the more gory gorefests I’ve ever seen in my life.  It was so sickening that I really can’t even go back and do a rewatch.  The “meat” of the episode doesn’t really matter anyway, in typical Supernatural fashion, it was the last 5 minutes or so that were so damn important.  We’ll get to that soon enough.

Cas was adorable up til the meat.

So our boys go to a town where a couple literally eats one another alive (yeah that’s how the episode started, yum!).  More deaths occur and Sam finds marks on the victim’s hearts that are angelic symbols so in comes Cas.  I must say, despite the grossness that invaded much of the episode, Castiel was even more adorable than usual from his conversation with Dean on the phone to his burger eating (not so much the raw meat though).

Yes, Cupid is a man in a diaper

Cas figures out they’re dealing with a cherub or Cupid so they go hunting for the thing.  Dean’s horror at the idea that there is a big diaper wearing baby flitting around the world was great.  As was his reaction to said big diaper wearing man hugging him.  And Sam.  And Cas.  Lots of hugging of Cas after Dean and Sam made him their official spokesman.

It's interesting that Castiel's hand mojo is similar to Sam's.

Cupid was reduced to tears when he found out all his lovebirds were dying but swore that he wasn’t involved.  Dean insulted him and he took off, as sensitive men in diapers tend to do.  Castiel realizes that another of the horsemen has appeared, Famine, and he’s basically making the town feed of their hungers.  Gorging themselves to death on food, sex, alcohol, whatever.

Sam runs across one of the demons a few times and finds himself drawn to the blood again, Famine working on his hunger if you will.  He manages not to succumb the first time but the demon gets away and informs Famine that Sam is in town.

Cas, meanwhile, is chowing down burgers like they’re nobodies business and he’s truly adorable while doing so.  As was Dean’s reaction to Cas’ unending eating.  Castiel asks why Dean isn’t overcome by his desires (God to make Dean overcome by desire, hehe) and Dean tells him it’s because when he wants things, he gets them.  Castiel accepts that but all episode Dean was “off” and Sam kept trying to call him on it but Dean wouldn’t tell him what was wrong.

Sam tells Dean that he can’t help in the search for Famine because his hunger is overcoming him and he begs Dean to make it impossible for him to get out.  Dean handcuffs him to the sink in the bathroom and Cas moves a dresser against the drawer so he can’t get out.  Dean’s face, when Sam revealed that he was tempted, just ripped through me.  He was so disappointed and you can feel it coming again, that potential, final rift between the brothers.

Anyway, Famine is not about to let his favorite suit of Satan be locked away so he sends his demons to let him free.  Except, not really, because he really sent them so Sam would feed on them, which indeed he does.  And just like that, the mojo is back.  He drinks from one demon and uses the Mojo Hand to throw the other against the wall to wait his turn.  All this was said with bloody lips.  Ick.

Castiel stops eating long enough to go into the diner that Famine is occupying.  He’s supposed to cut off his finger and pop back into the car but he doesn’t appear a couple seconds later so Dean goes in and finds Cas eating raw meat (this was the not cute portion of Castiel’s role).  Dean is of course captured by several demons and brought forth to face Famine.

Here’s where we get to the truly important stuff so I’m going to transcribe what matters:

Famine: Hunger doesn’t just come from the body, it comes from the soul.

Dean: Funny, it doesn’t seem to be coming from mine.

Famine: Yes, I noticed that.  I wonder why that is.  How you can even walk in my presence.

Dean:  I like to think it because of my strength of character.

Famine: I disagree. He touches Dean’s chest.  Yes, I see.  That’s one deep, dark nothing you got there Dean.  Can’t fill it, can you?  Not with food, not with drink, not even with sex.

Dean:  You’re so full of crap.

Famine:  You can smirk and joke and lie to your brother, lie to yourself but you can’t lie to me.  I can see inside you Dean.  I can see how broken you are.  How defeated.  You can’t win and you know it but you just keep fighting.  Just keep going through the motions.  You’re not hungry, Dean, because inside you’re already dead.

Fuck!  Can I just say that?  I wanted to reach through my TV screen and rip Famine to shreds for saying those things about Dean.  At first I was thinking he was implying that Dean had no soul.  And that was just fucking unacceptable.  There is no way that man doesn’t have a soul.  He cares too much about people and the world and everything for that to be possible.  So, I think I’ve ruled out that as what Famine was saying but I’m sure rameau will help me work through that.

As long as he’s not saying that Dean has no soul, I’m okay.  Though I’m really not because Dean is broken and he knows it and Sam knows it but Dean won’t admit to it.  It’s easier just to ignore it so he can keep fighting.  But he doesn’t believe they can win.  It won’t stop him from picking up the sword and fighting but if you don’t believe, if your heart isn’t really in it, what is the point?

I thought it was apt that in the flashbacks they showed the not real doctor asking Dean how in the hell he got out of bed everyday with the weight of the world on his shoulders.  He’s just so damn amazing to me.  That he would take on Lucifer like this when he doesn’t believe he’s going to win.  What an epic character.

Anyway, Sam comes in, bloody and mojoed up and Dean just says “Sammy, no,” when he sees him.  Famine tells him he sent the demons as a gift for him just so he could feed and he could have the other demons if he wanted them.  Dean’s face…Jesus.  He was so horrified and sad and hurt.  A+ for Jensen in this episode.  He ripped my own heart out with his expressions alone.  And then the end…well we’ll get to that.

Dean begs Sam not to eat them and Sam expels the demons from the bodies but doesn’t partake in anymore eating.  Famine decides if he won’t take them, he will and he sucks the demons inside him.  Again, Dean’s face watching Sam expel those demons was shocked and horrified.  To the point where he could have easily cut off the ring but he didn’t move.

Sam tries to mojo Famine but he’s told it won’t work on him.  Sam says he’s right but it’ll work on them and he proceeds to kill Famine from the inside, I guess ironically killing him with his own hunger.  Dean then looks at Sam like he’s…I don’t even know.  Scared?  Hurt?  Destroyed?  Lost?  A combination of stuff I guess.  Again it slayed me.

Then, as if it wasn’t enough, Sam’s locked back up in Bobby’s special room while Cas and Dean stand outside, Dean drinking.  Cas tells Dean that it’s not really Sam in there and Dean says he know.  Dean says he just needs to get some air, not able to hear Cas’ platitudes.

He wanders the junkyard and drinks his whiskey and then looks at it as if he knows that’s not the answer.  His face falls and his eyes tear up and he looks to the sky.

“Please.  I can’t.  I need some help.  Please.” And I fucking lose my shit all over the place even watching it a second time.  He destroyed me with that.  Dean’s turned to heaven what, twice?  Both times after he realized Sam’s addiction to the demon blood and saw what he could do.  Dean, who really doesn’t believe in the whole God heaven stuff, even with the angels, is asking for help.  He’s so damn lost.

I actually saw rameau tweet something wondering why Dean got all the psychological torment while Sam gets the physical and she’s so very right.  She said it better than I did, of course, but my God.  Dean can live through the physical pain but to see what he’s going through mentally..it rips at the viewer’s soul.  Or mine at least.

Dean’s always been among my favorite characters but episodes like this place him above and beyond other characters I love.  I want to fix him.  I just want to take him the hell away from everything that hurts him and let him smile for crying out loud.  It’s funny because again, this episode purported to be about Sam’s addiction but instead it was about Dean’s torment.  At least for me.  But I’m a Dean girl and I never tried to hide that.

So we have to go something like 5 weeks without new episode, during which I will not be able to forget the pain on that beautiful face while he begged heaven to help him.  You can see why he’s likely to give in to Michael now.  At least, one way or another, it will end the fight.  And he’s scared of Sam’s power.  Drinking from two demons made him stronger than he was last time he was working the mojo.  I honestly don’t see how Sam’s going to survive in the end and I don’t see how Dean will survive if Michael uses him to kill him.

On that bright and lovely note, I’m going to end this.  I cried from the time Famine put his hand on Dean and I’m still teary typing.  I just truly hope when it’s all said and done there’s a way to bring Dean some peace.  He needs it.

PS If I can bare to look at screencaps of the end of the episode I will post some of Dean’s facial shots when they’re up.  They said so much without the words.

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Chapter 32 is up at ff.net.  I’ll get it and chapter 31 loaded on here soon.


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NotLocke is actually cool enough to hang out with Real Ben.

I know, I’ve slacked on getting my first Lost post up but you know, I had to think about something like that for awhile.  Not that I’ve come to any new conclusions, but still, I’ve pondered things quite a bit.  I’m just thrilled the show is back and still epically absorbing.

So it appears we have two separate realities going, the one back on the island and the one where the plane lands.  You may remember that I predicted the plane would indeed land and everyone would be alive and such.  I was feeling rather triumphant for about a minute until we saw our Losties also still on the island.  Shouldn’t be surprised though, I rarely get anything right when it comes to this show.

Kate got moments with both her men in 2004.

How great was it to see Boone again?  He was totally channeling Damon from Vampire Diaries too.  You can’t tell me otherwise.  hehe I liked seeing him interact with Locke, I’d forgotten they were friends.  Charlie’s OD and saving by Jack was also a nice callback to earlier island happenings.  I adored the Kate/Jack glance and the Sawyer/Kate interaction as well.  I thought they might make him an even more active participant in her escape but his help in the elevator was fun and very Sawyeresque.

Hurley the good luck guy was definitely jarring but it totally made sense.  The numbers were no longer cursed so Hurley was just living the high life and buying chicken franchises.  Fitting.

The big, weird thing was Desmond being on the plane.  Of course, it makes sense that he wasn’t on the island anymore as his ship would not have crashed but why was he on Flight 815?  Tripp said something about him maybe being the exception to the rule, being able to float between the two realities and that makes sense to me.  I suspect someone like Daniel might also have that ability, if and when he appears.  Why?  Don’t ask me.  Just a gut feeling.

They're at it, again. With good reason this time at least.

On island, our Losties were all blown back to the future, so everyone is operating in the same time period apparently.  I like to think that this means time travel is done.  2007 in one storyline, 2004 in the other.  That’s enough to keep track of, but this is Lost and they’ll probably continue to mess with the mind.  It’s how they roll.  Anyway, Sawyer was immediately pissed at Jack that it didn’t work but in the midst of trying to kill him they heard Juliet calling from below.  They managed to dig her out and Sawyer got to hold and kiss her one more time before she died as she was trying to tell him something.

A final goodbye, not gonna lie, I cried.

Everybody was so busy with that that they forgot that Sayid was pretty much dying in the van but finally they all remembered and took off to the temple at the recommendation of Jacob, who appeared to Hurley and informed him that he’d died about an hour before and gave him a note to take to the temple dwellers.  They locate the temple and are taken hostage by some random people and taken to the Chinese Emperor, whose name I do not know so that’s what I’ve named him.

Emperor and his minions read the note and agree to help Sayid.  They do so by putting blood in some water and holding Sayid below until he drowns and announce that he’s dead.  Yeah, thanks for the help bastards.  Jack’s pissed and tries to revive him but no dice.  Fortunately, like half an hour later Sayid sits up.  Or is it really Sayid?  Coming back to that momentarily.

Manhandle Ben and die. DIE DIE DIE

On the other end of the island, Ben is all stunned over the fact that he killed Jacob and NotLocke is smug as hell but funny.  Some of Ilana’s idiots come in demanding to see Jacob and NotLocke points them to the fire.  This pisses off the big dude and he attempts to kill my Ben, which makes me shout in outrage and demand his immediate death.  Lost, as it sometimes does for me when I root for a murdering, comes through.  Or NotLocke does in the form of Smokey.  He comes in and kills the hell out of everyone but Ben.  Sadly Ilana was not in the room at that time.  Ben just sits in a stupor for awhile which upset me but later there was some life in him.

Ben sees that Locke is really and truly dead. Yay!

Ben and NotLocke come out of the tunnel and Richard demands to know where Jacob is.  Ben’s all like, “he’s hanging in the cave, totally cool, John’s back there too” and Richard shoves him toward Locke’s dead body, further stunning him.  NotLocke comes out and says they’re going to the temple I think and Richard tries to confront him but NotLocke knocks him out and throws him over his shoulder and off they go.

Back at the temple, they start freaking over Dead Jacob and laying out smoke rings to keep the monster out (big guy attempted to do that before Smokey killed him but it found a way to kill him anyway).  Then Sayid sat up, alive.

So, I assume that the note that Emperor had told him to shove Sayid in that water and let him die so Jacob could inhabit his body.  Smokey apparently takes shapes but Jacob has to take over bodies, which might explain why Dead Christian Shepherd strolls around the island all the time.  I always thought the island was going to come down to a showdown between Jack and Locke but right now it looks like Sayid vs. Locke.  Interesting.  Unless Jack dies and Jacob takes him over down the line.  Could happen.

It seems the temple dwellers are disciples of Jacob (I use that word because many people think Jacob is God and Smokey is the devil, which makes as much sense as any other theory I’ve heard) and that is the place where the kids from the flight ended up being taken along with the stewardess from the tail section.  Who else is there?  Time will tell I guess.

I didn’t like how defeated Ben appeared for much of the episode but after he got over the DeadLocke shock he kinda had that plotting Ben look that delights me to no end, so we’ll see what kind of trouble Mr. Linus can cook up for NotLocke.

I’m not really looking forward to Sawyer vs. Jack round 293218253 or whatever it is but at least Sawyer has decided that making Jack live and suffer is more fun that deadening him.  I don’t give a damn about the triangle but it would piss me off if Sawyer/Kate hooked up quickly because I truly believe in the love that he and Juliet shared.

Other observations and questions:

I’m not thrilled with the return of 2004 asshole Jin.  I did enjoy Sun refusing to speak English and clarify things for him in customs.

Where was Eko?  You know I love him and need to see him once since he should be alive and well in 2004.

Is Desmond still with Penny in alt universe?  Can he hop around until he is again cause they need to be together.

Is all that Miles heard from Juliet that it did work?  And how does she even know that?

Will Miles be able to talk to DeadSayid if Jacob is inhabiting him?

I’m not overly happy about all these new cast members and I totally don’t care about the temple dwellers and Ilana’s crew.  Give me my Losties and Frank because he is awesome.

I’m sure I have other thoughts and questions but I didn’t do a rewatch and it’s been 3 days and I’m not that bright anymore so I forget things. hehe  I’ll be more prompt next week, I promise!

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Dean finally meets Michael

Fate.  Destiny.  Bloodlines.  Fathers & sons.  Brother vs brother.  Present meets past.  Last night’s Supernatural had a little bit of everything and a lot of what I’ve been craving for weeks on end.  Finally Dean meets Michael.  Finally Sam gets to meet his mother.  Finally we see Castiel.  Finally Sam & John get to have a decent talk about how Dean and Sam were raised.  Finally Dean revealed his true self to his mother.  Finally, Anna died.

Okay, that last one was just icing on the cake but you knew I’d be celebrating the crispy critter that she became.  I am so Michael’s bitch after that move, especially while he’s wearing the yummy young John Winchester while doing it.  Seriously hot.

Total yum, especially when an angel's wearing him!

Anyway, Anna tries to reach out to Dean, interrupting one of his prurient dreams of angels and demons and asking him to meet her.  Thankfully, our Dean was not born yesterday (though he wasn’t born in part of this epi, hehe) and he told Castiel who went to meet her in his place.  It seems Anna was in Heaven Prison for awhile and that’s not a pleasant place to be.  Cry me a river, Anna.  She tells Cas that killing Sam is the only way to stop Lucifer but Cas won’t sign off on this because Sam is his friend now.  That’s a definite about face for our favorite angel, in the not too distant past he was all on board the Kill Sam train.  I like to think it’s his love for Dean that makes him unable to go that track now.  What?  He does!

So Anna takes it upon herself to head into the past to kill John and Mary before they even have the boys.  Cas figures out where she is and zaps himself, Sam and Dean to help.  I have to give major props to Jared for Sam’s reaction to seeing his younger parents for the first time.  The love and awe he had on his face when looking at Mary was heartbreaking and adorable.  It definitely made me think about to last week’s episode and his sneering at the trappings of traditional family.  Methinks he might have changed his tune after a little time with his parents.

Bloody, soon to be dead, Anna. Yay!

Mary remembered Dean from his other jaunt into the past and was none too happy about his presence.  Dean managed to get her to listen enough to hear that she and John were in danger from angels (thanks to Sam interjecting that last part) and she was prepared to run with them.  But John got a call from his boss and went to meet him only to find Anna.  Sam & Dean got there in time to send her away via the blood drawing on the wall.

Sam finally got to meet his Mom.

Then we get to the good stuff.  John, driving the Impala and yelling at them all to be quiet in a very fatherly way, is stunned to learn about monsters and hunting.  He & Sam have a conversation about how Sam could have been raised and what kind of terrible father he had to allow that.  Sam, for the first time, was able to tell his father that he understood why he’d chosen that life for them, that thirst for revenge.  It was fascinating to see John play the Sam role and Sam play the John role in that conversation.  I thought they both were excellent.

I love John and Mary. That's baby Dean in there!

That was countered with Dean’s conversation with Mary, wherein he finally revealed that he was her son.  He told her about the song she sang him at bedtime and the soup she made him when he was sick.  He begged her not to go into that nursery the day that she dies, he even told her why and that her sons would be cursed.  Mary was scared and upset and disbelieving but somehow accepting at the same time?  I don’t know how to explain it.  Sam interrupted and told them both that avoiding the nursery wasn’t enough, she needed to leave John and never have them and never look back.  Mary kept saying she couldn’t, finally revealing that she was already pregnant with Dean.

That doesn't look like it feels too good!

That moment was interrupted by the return of Anna, this time with young Uriel in tow, set on killing the men that kill him 30 years later.  John is dispatched and Anna stabs Sam and leaves him for dead while Dean tangles with Uriel and Anna goes after Mary.  Outside, a flashing light appears and all of a sudden John is inside the house and Michael is inside John.   He touched Anna and fried her to a crisp.  I laughed.  He dispensed Uriel with the snap of two fingers.  Michael, in a word, was hot.

Feel the heat!

Dean demands that he fix Sam but Michael says he will in good time, after they’ve had a little chat.  Dean asks how he can be inside John and Michael tells him that their bloodline is what makes it possible, he can inhabit anyone in that family (except for probably Sam I’m guessing).  When John heard that Michael could help Mary he let him right in.

That's what happens when you try to take Dean away, bitch!

Michael explains to Dean that his life is fated, always, to come down to letting Michael inside so he can fight Lucifer.  Every step John and Mary made in life led him down this path.  I was happy to find out that Michael won’t leave Dean a slobbering idiot when all is said and done.  I have a question…why can’t Dean let Michael in to fight Lucifer in that other body?  I know he’s all about free will but I’m thinking he’d be willing to do it if he didn’t have to kill Sam in the process.  I suppose there’s some caveat to that we don’t know about at this point.  Dean doesn’t say a lot but he’s still clinging to the idea that he doesn’t have to go along with this masterplan.  He tells Michael to take his brother and take their fight off his planet.  So cute.  Kisses to Dean.

Ram outlined this convo a lot better than I could after only one viewing so go check out her post on the matter, over at the I Love Bad Boys blog.  Michael zapped Sam and Dean back to the future and Cas appeared but promptly passed out.  He’s not able to travel through time as easily now that’s not a favored angel anymore.

Dean pours drinks to Team Free Will and Sam questions him, asking if there was nothing, not even saving Mom, that would make him agree to let Michael in.  Dean doesn’t really have an answer to that and we’re done with the episode.

This was the kind of epi I’ve been craving for ages now.  I love young John and Mary (seriously, give them a spin off or something).  I love Cas and Michael.  I love Anna dying.  I love our boys confronting their pasts and filling in some of the many missing moments they had with their parents.  I hope they manage to see them again before the series ends.  A hug or two would be nice!

See you next week for an episode that appears might bring back out bloodlusting Sammy.  Could be interesting!

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