
Archive for April, 2009

Daniel decides that the past can be changed due to people being variables.

Daniel decides that the past can be changed due to people being variables.

So instead of making this one of my long recappatory (yes I made a new word) Lost blogs, I thought I’d just discuss the very interesting and truly fucked up things that happened in tonight’s The Variable episode.  Yes, I just got done watching the show and I had to do my blog now because of where it has taken my mind.

First, I’d like to compliment them on actually answering what we suspected all along.  Widmore is Daniel’s daddy, Scary Poppins is indeed his mom.  We got to see why he was crying when he saw the plane crash on TV the first time we saw him, his memory loss and his messed up relationship with Mom.  Of course we didn’t get to see how really and truly messed up it was until the very end did we?  I mean, the woman sent her own son back to the island knowing that she was going to kill him.  That is lovely.  Truly.  I mean, I thought Angela Petrelli was a fucked up parent.  I thought John Winchester was as bad as it gets.  But no, I think Eloise Hawking takes the cake.  And of course Daddy Widmore gets a big slice of that himself, seeing as he was instrumental in him being there as well.  But we already knew he sucked as parent, so Daniel struck out twice in that lottery.

Unfortunately or maybe fortunately for Scary Poppins, depending on what side she comes down on, before she killed her son he was able to tell Jack and Kate his master plan of blowing up the electromagnetic part of the island so that the hatch is never built, Desmond never fails to press the buttons, their plane never crashes, the freighter never comes…and god knows what else doesn’t happen.  Charlotte never returns and dies, which is the driving purpose for Daniel.  Jack is all about getting to the hydrogen bomb and enacting said plan now, from the looks of next week.

And you know what?  As I was watching and discussing with Tripp, I told her that it would be just like Lost to actually do that.  To end the season with them exploding the bomb and giving us a hint that next season is all about these regular people with regular lives who don’t know one another.  Each of them having an episode to tell us how they ended up.  Sun & Jin, never had their baby probably and maybe split up.  Locke staying wheelchair bound (man will he be pissed), Jack never drugging up, Kate in jail, Hurley never winning the lotto and going insane, Charlie living, Claire giving up Aaron…think about it.  Doesn’t it sound completely like the kind of mindfuck they’d pull?  And I can’t decide if it will piss me off or it it will blow me away.  Knowing this show, I’m banking on the latter, they’ve yet to let me down.

And what would come of the ones that actually were on the island?  Richard and Ben?  Does Ben die of his cancer since Jack’s not there to save him or does he leave the island after the bombing and live some regular life?  Okay, not regular, I imagine he’d still be manipulating people in the real world, but it’s something you just have to think about.  It’d be amazing.  What would become of Widmore?  Scary Poppins?  Horace?  (I don’t really care about Horace, wanted him to die tonight.)

Other than that rather big thing to ponder, Sawyer and Juliet are now in some trouble thanks to Jack and Kate and Daniel getting caught on their trek out to steal a hydrogen bomb, and of course having annoying Phil in the closet didn’t give them much time to explain themselves or fabricate anything.  Go figure that Jack and Kate complicate things again.  I thought Sawyer and Juliet had some very nice moments in this episode and I’m really liking them as a couple.  Of course if I’m right, they’ll end up never meeting…mind messing, serious mind messing.

So what do you all think of this?  If they go there, if they allow Jack and Kate to blow up the electromagnetic area of the island that caused them to crash, will it be an epic cop out?  Or will it be epic?  We’ve only got a couple episodes to know for sure but it definitely feels like something they would do to me.  I can’t decide how to feel.  It’s probably not going to happen since it’s so obvious right now…that’s probably the twist we’ve been promised.  It just feels so right to me.  Well either way, I’m along for the ride!

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Fake Sylar burns, brought a flashback of my Elle.  Sigh.

Fake Sylar burns, brought a flashback of my Elle. Sigh.

So, we had Heroes season finale.  Did it live up to the hype? It really depends upon how you look at it and where they take it from here.  I was left highly annoyed and unmoved and irritated.  It’s not like I can’t see the great story line potential we were left with, but nothing Heroes has done lately gives me faith that that’s what will happen.  There was so much I hated about An Invisible Thread episode, one thing I truly loved, and one thing that I could learn to love with reservations.  Let’s start with the bad:

Repulsive.  Do not go there.

Repulsive. Do not go there.


No, no, 1000 times no!  One of the good things about the Sylar situation that will be discussed in complete detail is that now Claire can’t get with him.  Kinda hard to when he’s encased in her birth father.  Or morphed into, however you want to say it.  Having to endure those scenes where Sylar was talking about how they could be meant to be together and pushing and pulling for a thousand years just sickened me.  I get his logic but I am not on bored.  Claire sucks, he rocks.  Elle was the perfect twisted woman for him and he killed her.  And if he could/would kill Claire, I would probably be okay with it.  But he can’t and thus, no.  Baby Noah better not come to be…I’ve worried about that since hearing his name and seeing Sylar caring for Mr. Muggles and now it feels like they really will go there some day.  Claire better change quite a bit if that’s ever to be tolerated.

Hiro got to be a hero again, insert rolling eyes here.

Hiro got to be a hero again, insert rolling eyes here.


As usual, Hiro annoyed the crap out of me.  He was actually useful when he kept HRG from getting drugged by Danko, but I took issue with that as well.  HRG would not turn his back on or trust that guy, not after all he’s seen him do.  So he should never have been in that position.  Of course my main issue with Hiro was that he lived.  I had high hopes that the bleeding might result in his unexpected delightful death but no.  Sigh.

Surprise, Ali Larter is naked again.

Surprise, Ali Larter is naked again.


I knew she was coming back but really?  We have to bring her back as a dripping wet naked assassin?  Does Ali Larter have a sex clause in her contract?  Why can we not get rid of this character/actress?  And now she’s killing people?  What?  Is she our big bad for next season, cause that will drive me away from the show.  She’s not qualified to stand in Sylar’s shadow, let alone become sort of evil genius.  I have thought of one potential use for her though, if she’s exacting revenge for her captivity, perhaps she’s going to come after Nathan.  She’ll try to kill him, they’ll figure out he’s unkillable and Sylar just may awaken inside.  And, to be honest, though I dislike her, she and Zachary Quinto could bring some major heat to the screen.  So I could deal, as long as it brings back real Sylar.

Matt makes Sylar think he's Nathan.

Matt makes Sylar think he's Nathan.


Oh you tricky, tricky people.  Can Matt’s mind mojo really be a permanent and forever thing?  Will doing what he did eat him up inside and turn him darker?  Will he relent and release my Sylar for me if I ask nicely?  I guess I don’t really understand why this move was necessary.  Now that Peter can morph, couldn’t they try to convince him to play Nathan when required?  I guess he’d probably refuse and he’d be too choked up over his brother’s death to agree to such a thing, so maybe it makes sense.  I just am not that happy about the situation.  I think it’ll be fun to watch Angela and HRG interact with “Nathan” and I did enjoy her face when he was fascinated by the clocks incorrect time at the end.  The little things will be beautiful to watch.

Another interesting thing is that when/if this comes out, they’re in deep shit with their loved ones.  How do you think Peter and Claire are going to react when they find out that they tricked Sylar into playing Nathan and lied to them for however many days, weeks, months it goes down?  I think it could go a long way toward bringing out my bitter future Peter, actually, which I am totally fine with.  I just think it’ll have a ripple effect on their lives in a way they’re not anticipating, which admittedly makes for good show.

It's scary when your puppet comes back to life, isn't it Danko?

It's scary when your puppet comes back to life, isn't it Danko?


At first I was quite put out that Sylar didn’t end him right after taking the knife out of his head.  How cool is that Sylar still has an “off switch” but he can move it around thanks to his morphing, by the way?  Anyway, I was pleased when Sylar shifted into Danko and killed some of his men and then shifted back into the agent to arrest him.  That’s probably an even worse punishment for a man like Danko anyway, to be branded a traitor and a killer.  Of course, HRG and he formed their momentary truce and last we saw Danko was drugged, so who knows what has become of him?  I’m glad that he’s still alive now because he has some interesting gray potential to explore, should they decided to.

And on to the good:

The moment of the night, equal power face to face, and such pretty faces they are.

The moment of the night, equal power face to face, and such pretty faces they are.


Pretty, powerful Peter is back!!!  Words cannot express my joy when Peter announced his plan to touch Sylar and get his powers so he’d be able to actually take him on, followed by the announcement that he’d done it.  I would like to express some irritation that the majority of the fight scene consisted of Claire standing outside a door with blue flashes illuminating her though.  What, the effects were too much?  I was a little pleased that Sylar was using Elle’s power, it felt like kind of a tribute to his missing woman, but why didn’t I get to see it?

Even better than Peter getting Sylar’s powers was what he did with them though.  Sylar killing the press secretary and waltzing happily into the limo and shaking hands with the president and having nothing happen?  Worlds of awesome.  Well something did happen, he morphed into Nathan and himself and various others but he didn’t turn into the president, then Prez morphs himself into Peter, face to face with Sylar and he jams him with the drug.  Beautiful.  Awesome.  We needed to have an equal to Sylar or else there’s really never any true chance of him losing in the end, so they best keep it that way.  I don’t care if he’s too powerful, I like it and I want it that way.  They have to give me something, don’t they?

And to the potentially terrible or incredible:

Dead Nathan.

Dead Nathan.

Sylar as Nathan

I won’t lie to you, my initial reaction was straight up anger at this situation.  I questioned why they were doing it, why they felt the need to keep Adrian Pasdar around (he’s the Ali Larter of the men apparently) and why they’d shelve Zachary Quinto indefinitely.  I mean, how many of us are watching this program just to see him at this point?  They’ll keep me around with powerful Peter but damned if I don’t want his villainous equal on the other side.  So, I was filled with rage, to the point that I couldn’t sleep.  Yep, I was still up at 2.  If I’d given into temptation and written this blog last night it would have been filled with a lot less optimism and a lot more expletives.  But I thought about it and I see how very delicious it could be.

Our favorite serial killer isn't too far buried, it seems.

Our favorite serial killer isn't too far buried, it seems.

As I mentioned above, there’s the possibility that Tracy could go after Nathan and bring out Sylar.  He’s in there, we know that based upon him knowing that clock was incorrect and being fascinated by it.  So we get to wait and anticipate the moment that the fascinating killer returns.  Will Matt’s control diminish, will he slip, will he be racked with guilt and admit something to Peter?  Many ways to go there as well.

When he comes back, not if, families are going to be ripped apart by the lies.  No way does Peter forgive Angela for not telling him that his beloved brother died.  Ditto for Claire with Daddy #1 and Daddy #2.  There is a lot of potential to be mined, even if I don’t like not seeing Sylar’s face week in and week out.

Do I think they’ll go to the depths this story could have?  I hope so, HRG and Angela in particular would rock the story.  I don’t know that I trust them to do it, but the potential will keep me watching.  Nathan’s death could take Peter a lot darker very quickly.  That I would really love.  So, I’ve talked myself down some and I will be back next season, hoping that my favorite character returns quickly to go head to head with my other favorite.  Such pretty.  I hope this is not an error of epic proportions, but I guess we won’t know that until the fall.

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Dean wasn't embracing the 3rd brother thing anymore than we were.

Dean wasn't embracing the 3rd brother thing anymore than we were.

Well, well, wasn’t that interesting???  I just finished watching Supernatural’s Jump The Shark episode and I’m glad to say that my faith in Kripke remains strong.  This episode wasn’t about a third brother, this was all about John Winchester and his two sons, the two sons who are on their way to a collision.  And it was an interesting character steady on both Sam & Dean.

Adam, the Winchester brother who got a normal life, til killed by a ghoul.

Adam, the Winchester brother who got a normal life, til killed by a ghoul.

Perhaps I’m more sensitive to this for having recently devoured season 1, but this episode could have been in that season.  Adam was of course a representation of original recipe Sammy, the kid who was in college and had a life and was doing normal things.  Sam was a conglomerate of his current self and old Dean, embracing the hunting and trying to get Adam to come into the hunting lifestyle while being consumed by revenge.  Dean was still Dean, as I said before I think he’s changed the least but grown the most.  Which might sound weird, but I mean to say that he’s still all about his family but he now really sees that family for what they are.  He doesn’t hero worship John anymore and while still protective of Sam, he sees that darkness in his brother and knows deep down that it’s a problem he’s going to have to deal with.

Sam & Dean had different reactions to little bro, except both were jealous in their own ways.

Sam & Dean had different reactions to little bro, except both were jealous in their own ways.

I spent the first half of the episode wishing John Winchester would burn in hell (again, some more!) for putting that hurt look in Dean’s eyes.  Yep, my protective instinct when it comes to Dean was activated immediately upon Dean hearing that kid claim to be John’s son.  I absolutely loved that Dean’s reaction was to be prepared to kill whatever monster was lying about his father.  The holy water in the glass, the silver, the gun under the table and the glare on my boys darling face were all just vintage Dean Winchester.  And he was angry and he had every right to be, but as I said, the hurt was still there in the eyes, in the disbelief in his tone as Adam talked about going to ball games with Dad and seeing him every birthday.  It made me angry to imagine Dean’s birthday going unnoticed all those years, I bet John rarely thought of it if he was even with him.  No, I don’t include Sam here because I know Dean gave him birthdays, that’s just what Dean would do.  Dean had nobody taking care of him while both Adam and Sam did.  Not perfect by any means but at least they had someone.

Sam is becoming more and more Johnlike.

Sam is becoming more and more Johnlike.

What I really found fascinating was the fact that Sam was jealous as well.  He seemed like he was bonding with the kid while Dean didn’t want anything to do with him.  I didn’t catch the jealousy until Dean confronted him about wanting to teach Adam how to be a hunter.  Sam just threw Adam’s life out the door and Dean wasn’t having him do that.  Sam’s come a long way from that law student who just wanted a normal life, he pretty much sneered at the idea of that for Adam.  So that begs the question, what exactly is Sam’s purpose here beyond vengeance?  Because it seems to me that he teamed up with Ruby and has gone darker and darker because he wanted to be out of this life someday and someday soon.  He said that in one episode a month or so back.  But if he thinks that normal life is out of reach for someone like Adam, what does he think awaits him?  I am very curious to know just what he’s looking for here, once Lillith is vanquished.

One cannot overlook the symbolism of Sam being tied down and having the ghoul Adam and his sister lapping up his blood.   Did Sam stop to think that he did the same thing to Ruby?  I didn’t see any realization there, of course he was worried about dying at the time but it’d be nice to have a scene addressing that sometime soon.  I did enjoy them noticing something different in his blood but I would like to see a little more awareness there.  Maybe Dean will point it out to him whenever he finds out about Sammy’s secret pasttime.

For all the hurt and jealousy that Dean had over Adam, he still wanted to protect him from the life that he and Sam had.  That’s just one of the things that makes Dean so special, isn’t it?  He can look beyond the jealousy and desire for revenge and see the bigger picture.  I really loved that in the end when they were burning Adam’s body, Sam suggested that Dean give Castiel a call to bring their brother back and Dean didn’t even consider it.  He doesn’t want to bring him back to a life dealing with the world their father brought them and he is in a better place.

Of course that last scene also brought on the comment of the night, maybe the comment of the year.  “You know, I finally get why you and Dad butted heads so much.  You two are practically the same person.  I mean I worshiped the guy, you know?  I dressed like him, I acted like him, I listened to the same music.  But you were more like him than I will ever be.  I see that now.”  And Sam says, “I’ll take that as a compliment,” to which Dean responds, “You can take it anyway you want.”   That, right there, is the sign of Dean’s growth and Sam’s descent.  Dean doesn’t mean that as a compliment anymore.  He sees his father for the flawed being that he was and realizes his brother is the same way.  The thirst for vengeance drove John Winchester and it now drives Sam, to the point that they were willing to sacrifice the happiness of their own family.  Sam didn’t give a damn if Adam had a life, he was going to teach him to be a hunter.  Just like John did to his other two sons.

It really staggered me to hear Dean say those words to his brother and to have Sam decide that was a compliment.  Sam didn’t care to be compared to Daddy when we first met him but now it’s all good.   And Dean wasn’t blind to his father but he accepted and admired him.  He doesn’t accept and admire Sam right now though, does he?

Like everyone else, I was wary of the whole third brother thing but since it was really about the two brothers it worked just fine for me.  I am not sorry that the real Adam was dead and they never met him; he’s a complication we didn’t need going forward; but using him to demonstrated just how the lives of the Winchesters have changed worked.  It was a way of showing their relationship devolve without them arguing or confronting one another.  Not subtle but not over the top.

Next week, Castiel is back and apparently we get to meet the man our angel’s been inhabiting.  It should be fun!

I’ll add better pictures when SupernaturalSeries.com gets them up, the CW’s selection was pathetic!

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Just envision some Godfather music playing as EJ & Nicole wed.

Just envision some Godfather music playing as EJ & Nicole wed.

Just when I think I’m out, they pull me back in!  Alright, that’s enough Godfather quoting, but I had to demonstrate my point strongly, because in the last few days Days has managed to regain my attention and amazingly my interest.  And that is thanks to their Godfatheresque story line involving arranging a hit during EJ’s wedding.  Apparently somebody always needs to get shot during EJ’s weddings…at least this time it wasn’t EJ himself.  Though I am quite sorry it was pretty Philip.  Why it can’t be Max or Melanie is beyond me, but then again, I probably wouldn’t get interested if it was.

Philip bleeds as EJ & Nicole wed.

Philip bleeds as EJ & Nicole wed.

The thing that makes this interesting of course is the potential for kicking off a REAL DiMera/Kiriakis war that has nothing to do with docks and legal documents.  And John Black.  That is all very vital to my happiness.  The stakes are actually real and tangible this time.  Tony died in an accident and Stefano blamed Philip so he convinced EJ they needed to kill him in retaliation.  And of course the best time for such an action was during EJ’s wedding, because for some reason that would make nobody suspect them.  Except that everyone does anyway and they’re not remotely surprised or concerned about that.  Which is cool, they should feel confident and untouchable, that’s what makes it feel Godfatherlike.  Am I wrong?

Victor gets the call that Philip has been shot.

Victor gets the call that Philip has been shot.

Today Stefano got confronted by Victor and Kate, who is now no longer a friend of Stefano since he tried to kill her son.  Steffy managed to portray surprise that Kate was upset with and accusing him.  It cracked me up.  Meanwhile EJ was confronted by Sami and he didn’t admit or deny it.  Nicole is clued in as well and she’s acting the part of the good mob moll and implying that she’s alright with anything he does.  I wouldn’t be so encouraging if I were her but god knows she’s desperate to hold on to him right now so if pulling a Carly Corinthos will work, she’ll do it.

The baby switch stuff still looms to spoil my love, but for now, I can deal.

The baby switch stuff still looms to spoil my love, but for now, I can deal.

Figuring out that EJ is not only behind Philip’s shooting and Brady’s beating made Sami step back from her dumb plan of announcing that Grace is his baby at his wedding.  Seriously, why was the girl interrupting his wedding to tell him about the baby if she didn’t want him back or not to marry Nicole?  Sami’s motivations have usually been clear but the writers aren’t giving that to us this time around and it’s really the only clunker in the story line.  Either she wants EJ back or she doesn’t, if she doesn’t, then interrupting the wedding made no sense.  Oh well, I know I ask too much when I ask for character motivations.  I need to just sit back and enjoy actually anticipating some good scenes.

Because good scenes can definitely be had from here on out.  Brady has been reluctant to get drawn into the feud but now that he’s gotten his ass kicked and his cousin has been shot, he’s likely to fall in line.  Philip could be interesting, he could either got deeper into the war or he could be hesitant to participate after getting hurt and out of love for Stephanie.  Victor is in, obviously and Bo is an interesting outsider who has been drawn in through his police connections.  I’d love to see Bo work to help his brother again, I was impressed with him trying to lay into Stefano today.  He failed, of course, but he didn’t sound like a usual member of the idiot Salem PD either.

I have long wanted to see Victor vs. Stefano and EJ vs. Philip, so this could get very interesting.  I’m rather sad that the DiMera side is so small, unless we drag Lexie in.  Which…no.  Too bad they can’t SORAS Johnny and make him about Will’s age, that would be cool.  Or Theo…now Theo could be really interesting, I mean, I think they cured his autism last time I saw him.  Imagine the mayor’s kid edging into the gray/black side of the family?  So many cool things they could do.  I know, I am setting myself up for disappointment but it’s cool to think about.



I would be remiss if I did not mention the other momentous event that happened this week.  Not only did we get a potentially good story line (for the first time in eons) but we also got shirtless Brady!!!  Yes, finally, after months of the man being covered in layers of clothing, we got to see him bare chested.  Of course they managed to put a smudge on the moment by having him be all beaten up and tended to by the annoying Melanie, but the chest was beautiful enough to get beyond all that.  I said on a message board that I go to that everybody involved with covering that man up since he arrived on the scene needs to be fired and I stand by that.  It’s a crime.  They better not make us wait so long again!

So there you have it, Days gave me two things to hold on to.  I’m as shocked as you are, and I’m hoping not to be back in a couple weeks lamenting my stupidity in thinking that my interest could be maintained.  But, I’ll celebrate the few good things I can find with this soap, it’s been a long time since I had any.  I promise that as long as things keep cooking in this story, I will blog about it more frequently.  Plus all my other shows are about to check out for the summer so I’ll need something to talk about!  I’ll be back soon, Days watchers!

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Coolest title placement ever.

Coolest title placement ever.

No need to tinker with the title this week, Heroes had it dead on.  And, as one would expect, having a Sylarcentric episode is a good way to win me back.  Of course, they tempered that with Hiro but Sylar’s awesomeness did win out.  Upon first viewing, I wasn’t actually sure how I felt about the episode overall.  I think I was a little over the “family issues” what with my Supernatural rewatch, Lost, Veronica Mars…I thought I’d had my fill.  But on second viewing I was able to get caught up in Sylar’s struggle to find himself.  Of course, a lot of this felt like a rip off of Ben’s arc on Lost, complete with convo with dead relative seeking forgiveness.  But each of those men is special in his own way so I shan’t get overly upset about it.

It would be an interesting character study to compare Ben and Sylar, someday maybe when their arcs are complete (and both are likely dead) I can do it.  I won’t do it justice, but I’ll try.  It’s funny that last week Jerk pointed out Lost taking a shot at Heroes and this week Heroes felt like they’d borrowed a couple of Lost story lines.  Of course, few things are really original and I’m sure they’ve been done elsewhere as well, it was just interesting.  Like Desmond last season, Sylar had to find a constant in order to hold on to himself.  Or to life, in Desmond’s case.  Both men were told to find a constant by someone else, Daniel in Desmond’s case and Danko in Sylar’s.  Sylar was able to find his in his dead mother while Des found his in Penny.  That was one of the more romantic things we’ve ever seen on Lost and not quite comparable to Sylar pulling a Norman Bates and morphing back and forth between himself and momma, but it was interesting.

Sylar helped himself to a pretty power and announced his presence loudly.

Sylar helped himself to a pretty power and announced his presence loudly.

Before I get ahead of myself, I must mention the awesomeness that was this weeks title.  Sylar carving I Am Sylar into his arm with Chapter 11 above it was just made of cool.  Anyway, he woke up as Agent Taub and was none too pleased about it, so he proceeded to keep marching about town as himself.  This made Danko angry, as Sylar is supposed to be dead and not be appearing on surveillance cameras.  Sylar argued with him a little but went ahead and went after the next target on the list, Tom Martin.  He can apparently explode things just by looking at them and thinking about it.  Sylar found that pretty cool, so you can imagine what happened next.  Danko and co came in, along with Agent Taub and saw I Am Sylar written on the wall in blood.  Hilariously, Sylar as Taub says, “Look at that, what an ego.”  Hee.  Danko was not nearly as amused as I was.

Sylar did make him happy by telling him that Rebel was still in town though and giving him a lead on him.  Happily he found Micah on his own and Micah appealed to his “specialness” telling him that he and he alone could save them all.  Sylar liked that, as he’s apt to do whenever he’s told he’s special, and helped Micah get away by morphing into him and getting shot and disappearing in the water.   Danko didn’t seem too suspicious of this, though he could have been covering.  Dunno.

Sylar's constant is his not so dearly departed mother.

Sylar's constant is his not so dearly departed mother.

Sylar let Micah stay at his place wherein he got to witness the morphing between mother and son as he argued with her over letting Micah live and not knowing who he was.  I loved Micah’s “psycho!!!” expression in reaction but he was pretty calm when Sylar confronted him and told him to get out or he’d kill him.  He pointed out that Sylar could turn into Nathan Petrelli and change things and Sylar got that look on.  He found his purpose, clearly.

Sylar finds Nathan's DNA...really glad he didn't brush his teeth to morph though.

Sylar finds Nathan's DNA...really glad he didn't brush his teeth to morph though.

While hunting around Nathan’s office to find some DNA, Sylar started talking to Mom again and she told him she forgave him for killing her, he didn’t mean it.  He pointed out that he did mean it but she forgave him anyway.  He killed the only woman who ever loved him and he actually is sorry about that.  That seems to have been enough for Sylar to get his Nathan on and he finds a toothbrush and that’s done.  Nathan shows up to confront himself and Sylar talks to him about how much he hates who he is.  Nathan says it was people like him that made him go to the president but Sylar isn’t much hearing that as he is about to cut him.  Danko bursts in though and takes Nathan down with his electrodes.  Sylar is displeased and refuses to go along with Danko’s plans to turn back into Taub and go get the others.  Danko then stabs him in the head with a knife and it looks like Sylar is down for the count.

Sylar is now apparently really and truly unstoppable.

Sylar is now apparently really and truly unstoppable.

But not so much, really, because Sylar gets back up and complains about that hurting.  Danko’s a little stunned and a lot frightened in that moment, isn’t he?  Clearly, all this morphing has changed Sylar’s DNA enough that he’s no longer able to be brought down by the one accepted method of defeating him.  This would be a major problem for everyone, wouldn’t it?  I mean, he has no weakness now, right?  Other than the occasional mommy issue I guess!

I’m going to say right here and now that if Danko lives more than 5 or 10 minutes into next week I’m gonna be mad.  Sylar needs to end him, and pronto.  I don’t see him standing for Danko’s orders anymore, not now that he’s found himself again.  So he needs to off him and then do what he’s going to do.  And I still think one of those things he’s going to do is kill Nathan.  Previews of Angela’s screaming and him saying “Claire’s going to be mad at me” seem to enforce that, but we’ll see.

I could talk about the rest of the stuff that happened, but it’s pretty pointless.  Hiro is still being a dumbass and Matt seems to have forgotten all about Daphne in the wake of finding his son and ex-wife again.  Fine, whatever.  I’m glad he’s going to rejoin the fight though, interested to see what is coming for him based on some of Grunberg’s comments.  I am not remotely interested in the interview in which Fuller said that Hiro was going to have some major arc next year though.  That just ruined my day.  They need to kill him and move on.  I am so tired of that useless buffoon at this point.

I don’t want to ruin my mood talking about him though.  I also had to laugh at Mohinder being captured right where we left him, in the dark looking through stuff at his dad’s old concentration camp.  I know that’s not what it really exactly was but that’s what it looked like and kinda what it became, so there you go.  Poor Mohinder, so pretty and still so very dim.  He didn’t even react!  God.  I really am quite grateful that my future is not in the heroes hands!  HRG and Angela and Claire were all taken in as well.  Looks like only Peter, Matt, Hiro and Ando are free.  Doom.

Next week we get to see the Sylar/Claire thing play out, which should be interesting, and also see if Nathan can get to the president before Sylar does.  I’m sure he will, but I still think he’ll die.  Not that I don’t like him, I just think he’s going to be the sacrifice Mohinder was yammering about at the end of the episode.  He started it and he’ll finish it but I don’t think he’ll live to see it end.  That’s my prediction.  I usually suck at these things but we’ll know soon enough!

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Dean, so much more than pretty face

Dean, so much more than pretty face

Anyone who’s read even one of my Supernatural blogs might have picked up on the not so well hidden fact that I’m an unabashed Dean lover.  I don’t exactly attempt to hide my love for all things Dean Winchester, from the looks to the sarcasm to the attitude.  All of it just works for me.  This weekend I took it upon myself to suspend my Veronica Mars rewatch after I finished season 2 (Yeah, I still like to pretend season 3 didn’t happen) and pick up with Supernatural season 1.  And instead of just hitting a few episodes I managed to watch the entire season.  Yes, I’m aware that I need a life, that’s not what this is about!  This is what happens when football season ends.  I need new things to obsess about, so here I am.

Rameau is doing a season 1 episode break down, this won’t be that because I didn’t have the patience to stop after each episode to write about it.  She’s a much stronger woman than I am.  I’m just going to talk about my overall reaction to the brothers knowing what I now know.  I’ve tried to throw out my current irritation with Sam when watching the season, but that’s pretty much impossible.  Every time he questions his brother and gives him attitude it serves to remind me just how he’s looking down upon his brother these days.  And honestly?  It pisses me right the hell off.  Because while Dean had dickish moments, he always loved his brother more than anybody.  He carried the weight of caring for him on his shoulders since he was 4 years old and Sam has the utter gall to question his strength now?  It really makes me almost too angry.

What’s funny is it’s quite clear that in the early going of the series they clearly were trying to make Sam the rootable brother, the one we’d all identify with and feel sorry for.  He tried to have a normal life and his crappy family drew him back in.  I can and do sympathize with that, nobody likes to have their life path laid out before them the way his was.  But so was Dean’s.  And Dean gets no sympathy from Sam?  For being the brother that bent to his father’s plan and will, Sam looks down on Dean.  Sam had a couple of moments of awareness peak through and it’s clear that he does come to understand eventually just how much Dean cared for and protected him growing up.  I guess that further demonstrates how far they’ve come because Sam seems to have forgotten that this season.

Like season 1, Sam’s all caught up in revenge to the point that he doesn’t give a damn most of the year about regular everyday cases and saving lives.  Dean constantly battles with him over doing what’s right while Sam wants to go find their father and get revenge.  I understand it, it’s just an interesting parallel to this season.  Sam has his brother back, whose death is what drove him for his desire for revenge but he doesn’t even appreciate it.  He can’t put aside the thirst to get back at Lillith despite the fact that he has his brother there by his side, and once again, he’s busy resenting him.

Dean always carried the weight of caring for Sam on his shoulders, that's a lot of weight.

Dean always carried the weight of caring for Sam on his shoulders, that's a lot of weight.

Though my anger issues with Sam don’t appear to have abated, neither does my love for Dean.  Because he really drew me in from moment one.  And it’s not just the looks, though of course they help.  It was his determination to do what was right and his desire to protect his family.  It was those little flashes of pain and hurt when Sam belittled the family and made a mockery of his loyalty to their father.  It’s that instinctual bond he had with the people they helped, from hot women to lonely, scared children.  It’s funny because prior to this season had you asked me who the brother was that was better with people I would have said Sam.  And I would have been completely wrong.  Sam might be better at talking to people but Dean’s the one who understands them and reaches them.

Dean has stayed remarkably consistent over all 4 seasons so far.  His number one priority has always been his family.  And it always will be.  Now we know this season is going to be the ultimate test of that and it’s going to be fascinating to watch Jensen work through that.  I have always appreciated his acting but now I’m seeing all the extra little expressions that he throws in that make Dean so reachable, so understandable.  I’m not saying Jared doesn’t do that for Sam, he definitely has moments, but it’s Dean that I’m drawn to and I’m going to notice more of the little things with him.

The memory of failing to protect Sam haunts Dean.

The memory of failing to protect Sam haunts Dean.

Something Wicked was one of the more powerful episodes of the season that really brought my Dean love and Sam anger into focus.  That’s the episode where the shtriga is taking the life force out of children and it comes out that it came after Sam when he was a kid.  Dean got tired of watching out for his brother and left him alone to go watch video games and came home to find the thing attacking Sam.  He froze and before he could get off a shot his dad was there to scare the thing away.  He took Sam into his arms and gave Dean hell for not protecting his brother.  That’s quite a lot to lay on a 10 or 12 year old, isn’t it?  And he’s had that on him since he was 4.  Dean kept the story from Sam for most of the episode and finally told him toward the end when Sam was giving him attitude over having to risk the older brother to catch the thing.  Sam finally seemed to grasp at that moment just how much Dean had always cared for him and how that one instance of not protecting him had weighed on him for 15 or 20 years.  He actually realized just what Dean had carried with him.  I wish he hadn’t forgotten.  He also thanked him in Salvation…where’s that knowledge these days?

So, really, that’s what makes me love and adore Dean Winchester.  That sacrifice.  Sam didn’t have a normal growing up experience but Dean did his best to make sure that he didn’t have as bad a one as Dean himself did either.  From giving him the last of the Lucky Charms to stealing Christmas presents for him, Dean always took care of Sam.  I can’t help but love that.

I don’t know when I’ll do the season 2 rewatch, football gets to return to my life for glorious draft weekend next week, so it’ll be sometime after that.  I can’t help but wonder if I had watched this before season 4 started if I’d have the same resentment for Sam as I do now?  Probably not to this level, but it sure has influenced my viewing this time out.  Maybe season 2 I’ll be less irritated.  Probably not, but I’ll try.  It’ll still be good to revisit the early Supernatural and watch the evolution of the brother’s relationship.  I want, more than anything, for Dean and Sam to get back to a good place with one another, not for me, but for Dean.  You know that’s what is most important to him and he deserves whatever little bit of happiness he can get.

All photos from SupernaturalSeries.com.

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Some Like It Hoth, But Not Me

Miles spoke to the dead and met his dad.  Yay.

Miles spoke to the dead and met his dad. Yay.

I have become one of THOSE people.  Yep, didn’t think it would happen to me but last night’s Lost drove the point home in a big way:  If a character I don’t care about is heavily featured in my favorite show, I’m going to be thoroughly bored.  Like bored to the point that I can’t even bring myself to rewatch it to discuss it here.  Maybe it’s made worse by the fact that my favorite was the feature in last week’s episode, I don’t know.  But either way, Lost was not compelling for me at all last night.

It was a Miles episode.  We basically got to see him first discover his speaking with the dead ability and found out he was raised by just his mother.  We don’t know what exactly happened, but Miles was born on the island and his father is the awesome Dr. Candle from all the Dharma training videos.  That is cool, though I think everybody under the sun expected that when we met Miles.

Hurley was there to provide the awesome though.

Hurley was there to provide the awesome though.

Last night was not a total waste of course, it is still Lost after all!  Hurley was rather awesome the whole episode, being sarcastic and trying his best to bring father and son together without any subtlety involved.  He did make me laugh several times.  Plus he was all, “My dead people are better than your dead people because I can see them and have regular conversations.”  HA!  Take that Miles!

My Miles disinterest doesn’t make me blind to his potential on the island.  If one of my favorite characters does die, he’ll be there to allow me to hear what they have to say I suppose.  But that’s really the only time I want to see him.  I guess he’s opening his eyes to the fact that his mother may have misrepresented his father’s reasons for not being in his life, as he saw at the end that Dr. Candle was holding 3 month old, adorable baby Miles.  That seemed to bring the idea home that maybe he should get to know dear old dad while he can.

In other Dad news, Ben’s father found him gone and got suspicious of Kate, because she was acting rather obvious about being sorry that he was gone.  In true Roger Linus form, he got his drunk on and got confrontational with Jack about Kate.  Jack went to Juliet and Sawyer and let them know there could be a problem.

Sawyer had other problems because one of the guys had proof on tape of his complicity in helping get Ben to Richard and co.  Sawyer solved this problem by knocking the guy out and telling Juliet to get the rope.  Juliet looked rather turned on by that move I thought. hehe  I like them together, what can I say?

One small thing I enjoyed last night was the “Circle of Trust” that Miles was forced into because Sawyer was off helping Ben.  I guess Horace and Radinski and Sawyer and Dr. Marvin Candle are in the circle of trust.  Of course it made me think of Meet the Parents and I giggled every time it was mentioned, but it was a fun little aside thing.  I guess Hurley’s in it now too since he forced Miles to take him along and found out about the dead guy.  Since I don’t know who the dead guy is I don’t really care what happened to him.  He only brought about the possibility of Hurley seeing the hatch get made and the numbers get stamped into the door.  Fun, see how it all comes back around?  There’s your circle of trust.

Also, hilariously, Hurley was scribbling away in a notebook for much of the episode and Miles finally took it away to see what he was writing, thinking it was a diary.  But no, it was The Empire Strikes back.  Hurley figured that George Lucas hadn’t written it yet so he would rewrite it and make some changes.  Cracked me up.

The only other thing of interest to happen was Miles going down to meet the team of scientists in the sub and out pops Daniel!  He’s alive!!!!  And next week maybe we’ll find out what in the hell he’s been up to for the last 3 years.  I’ll appreciate that more than a Miles episode I’m sure.

So that’s the big stuff on Lost.  It was all about fathers and sons.  We’ve seen that theme from season 1 so it wasn’t overly earth shattering, but I guess we’ve seen a different relationship develop now.  And I do wonder why Miles’ mother takes him away.  I suppose we’ll find out soon enough.

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For my Twilight peeps, we finally have all the vamps cast.  Twilighters Anonymous has all the info so I’ll just link here.  Rameau, Alastair!!! is going to be Marcus!  That’s fitting!  I’m excited.

Here’s a link:


Felix is appropriately buff and I think the Demetri guy could give off that classy, sinister vibe.

Daniel Cudmore as Felix, properly bulky I think.

Daniel Cudmore as Felix, properly bulky I think.

Christopher Heyerdahl as Marcus, I would have picked him for Caius but no complaints.  Welcome back to my life, Alastair!

Christopher Heyerdahl as Marcus, I would have picked him for Caius but no complaints. Welcome back to my life, Alastair!

Helloooooooo Demetri!!!  I pictured him with black hair but I'm not complaining.  Welcome Charlie Bewley!

Helloooooooo Demetri!!! I pictured him with black hair but I'm not complaining. Welcome Charlie Bewley!

All pictures from Twilighters Anonymous.

So what do you think people?  I have to say, I’m afraid the Volturi vamps are going to outshine the rest of the cast in a major way (except for Rob of course!)  Between these vamps and the rather attractive wolves, I’m getting more and more excited for New Moon.  Hopefully the director will show as much of a good eye in his directing as he does in casting.  Kudos, Summit!

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Alice shows Angela that she has power over the weather.

Alice shows Angela that she has power over the weather.

I have to say, I wasn’t too thrilled with Heroes latest episode.  Oh, Angela’s flashbacks were decent and I loved seeing a young DaVoe and Linderman and Bob Bishop, but the rest?  A bunch of blah.  Whining heroes do not appeal to me.  At all.  They better suck it up after this episode and stop being annoying.

Of course, my favorite thing about this episode was the solving of a minor mystery!  Socks!!!! Now we know why Angela got arrested for stealing socks in season 1 and why she was rubbing socks on her face a few episodes ago.  I’m glad she doesn’t have some disturbing foot fetish.  It’s silly, of course, but I guess it made her feel close to her not so dearly departed sister.

The Petrellis continue to show inappropriate chemistry all over the place.

The Petrellis continue to show inappropriate chemistry all over the place.

Peter got sick of playing Dig Up The Bones and demanded his mother tell him what was going on.  While he was overly emo this episode, I appreciated this because, really, Angela, spit it out!  So she finally told them all the story of how they went to Coyote Sands as part of a study for the government that was supposed to help them overcome their powers or some such thing.   I’m not doing a whole recap here, so I’ll just say that Mohinder’s pop was involved, of course, and he was wrong, of course, and he escalated a situation and caused everybody to die.  Everybody but Alice apparently, although Angela, future seer that she is, didn’t know that.

Let's take bets, how many of the heroes did Angela nail?

Let's take bets, how many of the heroes did Angela nail?

Angela had lied to her sister about going out and getting her socks (HA) and such but instead was chilling in a diner with Linderman, Bishop and Charles DaVoe.  She was quite clearly enjoying the male admiration (and I suspected she slept with all of those guys at some point, maybe not Bob) and she had a little dance time with Charles, which was interrupted by a bigoted cook telling them that blacks and whites don’t dance together.  Charles whipped out the mind mojo, so now we know what his power was.  I don’t think we ever knew did we?  Another mind control guy.  Definitely one of my favorite powers.

Anyway, Angela told the guys of her dream about them forming a company to cover up their powers for the greater good and they all seemed on board with it, so that’s how the Company started as the rest of their powered people were being gunned down.

Note to self:  50 years in a bunker is not a good beauty regimin.

Note to self: 50 years in a bunker is not a good beauty regimen.

In present time, storms were whipping up and Angela disappeared into one of them only to resurface in a bunker with her nutty, scary looking sister, Alice, who had waited there for her for 50 years.  Dear lord.  Initially she is happy to see her big sister but then Angela tells her that she lied all those years ago and that pissed her off, so she let loose with another storm.  Peter and Mohinder ran in to save Angela and Mo got zapped by lightning, which was awesome.  My second favorite part of the night!  He lived though, too bad.  Alice disappeared and who knows when she’ll appear again.

So that was all good stuff to know I guess but the question remains why in the hell Angela didn’t tell Nathan this story when he decided to go to the government in the first place?  Because, maybe, it was pertinent to the present day?  Germane to the situation?  Uhhh..yeah, I thought so!  Oh, and Nathan, shut the hell up.  It IS your fault they’re all in this situation.  YOU are the one who went to the president and exposed the secrets.  It wasn’t stupid Mohinder, it wasn’t your mother, it wasn’t HRG.  It was YOU!  So if Peter wants to blame you for that, he can.  He should.  Nuff said.

The Petrelli boys kiss and make up, though we don't get to see the kiss.

The Petrelli boys kiss and make up, though we don't get to see the kiss.

Peter, though he was right about Nathan, got a lot whiny this episode when Angela let him know that she wanted to start the company up again to protect them all.  I can’t blame him necessarily for that reaction but I didn’t like the petulant way he reacted to the news.  He was not the biggest whiner this episode but it took away from some of his pretty, dirty looks (loved that he was all sweaty and dirty in the beginning of the show, hot!)  In the end though he was back on the Petrelli family love train.

In other heroes who annoyed me news, let’s discuss Claire, shall we?  Claire took it upon herself to whine about the fact that she hadn’t read a book or gone to a movie or lived a life in ages.  Um…yeah bitch?  And whose fault is that?  Cause last time I checked, your two fathers both bent over backwards to make sure that you got to live a normal life, you just didn’t play along.  You decided to be a secret company agent, they didn’t push you to.  In fact, they begged you not to.  So if you wanted to be a normal person, you should have elected to live like one.  Suck it!

Like father, like son.  Mohinder's dad made the same mistakes.

Like father, like son. Mohinder's dad made the same mistakes.

And back to dim but pretty Mohinder.  He’s all disheartened because his father turns out to be as dumb as he was.  At least we know he came by it honestly, right?  HRG tried to point out to him that just because his dad was working with the bad guys didn’t mean he was bad, but Mo wasn’t so receptive to this revelation.  Well, Mohinder, YOU worked with the bad guys several times yourself and though you’re a moron, you’re not evil, so just suck it up and deal yourself.  I should have titled this blog Suck It Up, Heroes, shouldn’t I?  Oh well, I am sure I’ll get the opportunity to use that one again with all the self pity being displayed.

HA! He even looks Sylarlike as Nathan doesn't he?

HA! He even looks Sylarlike as Nathan doesn't he?

My favorite part of the episode was at the end when the Petrellis and Claire and HRG were chilling in the same diner where Angela formed the company and Nathan resolved to go back to Washington to fix the situation HE caused.  Cut to the television where Nathan is in Washington giving a speech.  Everybody stares while HRG says, “Sylar”.  HEE!  Now that’s some shape shifting I can get behind.  Go big, Sylar, mess with Nathan’s agenda!  Oh, and did everybody catch the way Angela smiled when HRG said Sylar?  Damned if that woman doesn’t still like him and have some kind of pride in him.  Cracked me up.

Scenes ahead show Sylar throwing Claire into a wall and sharing some kind of forced meal with her, so I think I have something to very much look forward to.  It sucks that she can’t be killed.  Sigh.  I’m not spoiled but I know we have another Heroes death on hand and my gut says Nathan is going to go.  It just feels like he has to sacrifice himself for starting this, doesn’t it?  I don’t know, just my theory.  Of course there’s another Tracy triplet floating around that he hasn’t slept with so maybe it’s not allowed. hehe

I’m rambling but one other thing occurs to me. If Alice was living at Coyote Sands all this time she’s probably not Sylar’s mother.  Unless Solomon came there and set up camp for a year or so and took him away.  I guess it’s still possible.  She does have a certain brand of crazy going for her that could have helped make up our boy.  I will continue to hold on to my shred of hope that Sylar is related to Peter, some how, some way!

Okay, I end it here, this was definitely not my favorite episode but I think we have some very good things ahead.  Nathan vs. Sylar should be fun if a bit one sided.  Sylar tormenting Claire is always a good thing.  Bring it on!

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I said I was done with Twilight blogs for awhile.  I lied!  But really this is less of a blog and more of a New Moon update complete with some of the prettiest pics of Rob I’ve ever seen.  I’m already thrilled with the new director because somehow they’ve made Robert hotter than he was in the first movie.  No lie.  Also, I wanted to include the latest casting news to leak.  We have Aro and he’s far more Aro-like than the kid they cast as Caius.  I’ll also post Gianna and Hiedi, followed by the real reason for this post.  I just wanted pretty Edward Cullen pics littering my site, I admit it!

Veteran 40 year old Michael Sheen will be playing Aro.  Since I pictured the 3 Volturi as older this works for me.  Plus he can actually act from what I can tell, so bonus.  Here’s a picture:

Aro.  Photo from the UK Daily Mail.

Aro. Photo from the UK Daily Mail.

Justine Wachsberger as Gianna, the human secretary of the Volturi.

I think she fits my image of Gianna. Photo from IMDB via Twilighters Anonymous.

I think she fits my image of Gianna. Photo from IMDB via Twilighters Anonymous.

Hiedi, the vamp that acts as bait to bring in the unsuspecting tourists, played by Noot Seear, Canadian model:

Eh...I think Gianna chick is more fitting than this one, but it's a bit part so I don't much care.  Photo from Screenrant.com.

Eh...I think Gianna chick is more fitting than this one, but it's a bit part so I don't much care. Photo from Screenrant.com.

And finally, my pretty, pretty Rob pics, courtesy of Lainey Gossip:

Isn't he prettier this time out?  Much better makeup.

Isn't he prettier this time out? Much better makeup.

This is my new computer background.  Nuff said.

This is my new computer background. Nuff said.

So far so good, Weitz.

So far so good, Weitz.

So there you have it, my excuse to post some very nice pictures of Robert Pattinson!  I really did want to share that Aro casting though because I’m pretty excited about his potential to be frightening yet sophisticated at the same time.  At least I will have something more to anticipate besides the appearance of Edward during the dark time that Rob won’t be gracing my screen.  I’m ready for November, who’d have thunk it?

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