
Archive for the ‘True Blood’ Category

Truly Conflicted

Embracing the hotness!

Embracing the hotness!

So I have been able to watch True Blood thanks to the awesomeness that is the beloved internet and I’ve seen all 3 episodes that have aired.  And I’m not sure how I feel about it this time out.  I’m happy about some things (Eric’s hair!!!!) but not happy about others (Jason’s being in this church thing is severely limiting his naked time.  Limiting Jason’s naked time is never a wise move).  So I thought I’d do a post discussing what I’m liking and what I’m not.

I’ll be honest, I got pissed at the last episode.  I mean really pissed.  Bill wouldn’t let Eric give Sookie blood after the attack.  This is COMPLETELY opposite of what happens in the books and I’m going to be pissed if Eric and Sookie do not form their blood bond.  I know, there are many opportunities ahead for him to give her blood but that just irritated the hell out of me.  Thankfully the hotness that is Eric and his increased air time kept me from being overwrought by my rage, but still, wasn’t happy.

My other fave, I hope he's back to normal soon.

My other fave, I hope he's back to normal soon.

As you know, I am quite thrilled that Lafayette is still alive.  I am a bit worried with his reaction when he got home yesterday, it was understandable but I hope that his light is not extinguished.  He was definitely my favorite character next year and I need to see him being flirty and over the top or I will be sad.

More...always more shirtless Jason.  Or naked Jason.  Sexy Jason, not church Jason!

More...always more shirtless Jason. Or naked Jason. Sexy Jason, not church Jason!

Jason in the church…I get it, I really do.  It was a way to tie a main character into the church to bring it into the season, but really, I said it before, we need nakedness.  I do appreciate the gratuitous shirtless scenes of course but Jason without sex just doesn’t feel like Jason.  I was momentarily frightened that they were going to have him hook up with Molly Burnett of Days of Our Lives fame but other than a few sexy looks, that didn’t come to pass.  I do get the vibe that maybe he and Mrs. Preacher are going to get it on eventually, but we’ll see.  I’d rather have my favorite manwhore back though.

She's growing on me...but she's still annoying much of the time.

She's growing on me...but she's still annoying much of the time.

Jessica has completely grown on me to the point that I get mad when she’s brought down by Bill and Sookie.  I was cheering her Hoyt hook up and mad that Bill broke that up before she could get some action.  I’m glad she didn’t kill Hoyt though, I admit I was worried about that somewhat.  The whining of the character can be a bit annoying but I prefer her to a lot of the characters right now.

Who doesn't want to start their day with some fresh Eggs? HEHE

Who doesn't want to start their day with some fresh Eggs? HEHE

Speaking of characters I DO NOT prefer, what the hell is this Mary Ann stuff?  I’m not remotely interested in her power of chaos or whatever it is.  I don’t care about her at all.  I don’t like how Sam’s pretty much a sideline in the story and I hope they get her gone soon.  Doesn’t help that she brings out the worst in Tara, who I loved at one time.  Bonus points for bringing the hot Eggs into our world though.

I still find Bill bland and boring.  He’s like a dad raining on everyone’s parade when it comes to both Sookie and Jessica.  I truly hope the next season happens as it does in the books, I could use a Bill break already.

Yes, I wanted to include another picture of him.  Problem with that?

Yes, I wanted to include another picture of him. Problem with that?

Finally, we must talk about the perfection that is Eric.  I was not a fan of that hair and was surprised to find the actor so much hotter than the character.  It seems the producers listened to something and they let Eric get a hair cut.  Sooooo much better.  So lovely!  So sexy.  And they’re doing a GREAT job of showing some Eric’s darker side and some of his fun side as well.  I want more of the fun in his interaction with Sookie, hopefully that will come soon.  Oh, and I want him dressing a little better, but that’s my sole Eric complaint now.  Bring out the hotness even more peeps.

So that’s about it for where I am when it comes to True Blood.  I don’t overly care for the storylines right now but maybe things will ramp up in Dallas and I’ll get more into it.

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Sookie & Bill

Sookie & Bill

Reading Harry Potter was not my sole project of the long holiday weekend; I also watched True Blood Season 1 on DVD.  Yeah, I probably will be blind in a year or two with all the work I put on my eyes, but in the meantime, you gotta do what you gotta do.  I was pleasantly surprised to find that I liked most of the casting and the show in general.  I was irritated by a few of the extra plot twists, but for the most part I found it a good watch.  Clearly, as I zoomed through all the episodes rather quickly.

SookieOf course, the only way you’re going to like the books or the show is if you’re alright with Sookie.  She is far from my favorite character but she doesn’t bother me either.  Initial clips I’d seen made me think I was going to hate the actress playing her but I thought Anna Paquin did an alright job.  She’s not the bombshell I pictured in my mind but she’s alright and I got past the southern accent after while.

BillBill was also in the alright category.  I loathe Bill in the books but this guy was pretty likeable and somewhat mysterious I thought.  I’m interested to see how they play him in season 3/4 when we get more information on the characters true motivations.

EricThere was so not enough of Eric but I enjoyed what I did see.  He had that sexy menacing thing going on, although I wasn’t too much of a fan of the hair.  The actor in real life is actually much hotter, but what can you do?  I thought they foreshadowed his interest in Sookie rather well when he was watching her kiss Bill goodbye and I am looking forward to much more time with the character.  Here’s hoping they expand his role even beyond the books, right?

littleJasonJason…I definitely liked the actor playing him and he was just that right kind of redneck hot guy with little regard for anybody else.  The issue I had with Jason was the stuff they added for him.  Making him the number one murder suspect was great, he is in the book, but making him addicted to V and then throwing him in with the Fellowship of the Sun?  I didn’t care for that at all.  Jason doesn’t hate vampires…while he was a little leery of his sister dating one he wasn’t outwardly hostile and never seemed to care if a girl he was sleeping with had done a vamp before.  I didn’t care for this added element to the story.

SamSam was perfectly cast in my eyes as well.  Just the right amount of cute and overprotective.  I also didn’t like his more antivamp stance though, in the books he may have hated Eric and Bill but he wasn’t against vampire rights and such.  He’s a shapeshifter for crying out loud, it doesn’t make sense for him to be against the rights of a different race.

TaraAnd then we have Tara…initially I loved her.  I thought she was hilariously outspoken and a lot of fun, but then she started freaking out every single minute about something stupid.  I was okay with the Sam/Tara romance that doesn’t remotely exist in the books, but they took her way too OTT for my taste.  I guess it’s to set up the MaryAnn storyline, whatever that might be, but I really stopped liking her.  And I was annoyed that they didn’t stick to the true Tara from the books either, the one who was out doing vamps long before Sookie met Bill.  I think she needs a friend who will encourage her and that deviation bothered me.  I did like her friendship with Sookie, it was just really changed from the books.

LafayetteMy favorite character was probably Lafayette.  He was awesome, a gossip, totally gay and proud of it and just like I imagined him to be.  I’m quite sorry that they’ve likely killed him off already, as I assume the foot hanging out of Andy’s car at the end of the show was his.  Too bad, he rocked.

Those were the main characters I wanted to touch on.  The rest of the side characters were okay to me.  Pam was not “Alice in Wonderland” enough for my taste but that’s about it.  I thrilled to see Danko appear as the Magistrate guy ordering Bill to turn Jessica as his punishment for killing Chow.  None of that happened in the book but I found it an enjoyable turn.  Not that I like Jessica, she’s quite annoying and the fact that she got on Eric’s nerves and he gave her back to Bill worries me.  I hope she dies soon.

As to the story, well it was pretty faithful minus the extra stuff they added for Jason and the romantic twist for Sam/Tara.  I don’t mind the idea of Sam/Tara but clearly that’s not going ahead since she met Eggs but I don’t want Jason with the Fellowship at all.  They could have brought that in more with Arlene I thought.  Oh well.

Lots of sex, lots of blood, definitely more than you get in the books, particularly the sex.  But I guess if we get to experience all of Jason’s conquests we’ll be in for quite a show.  It’s fine as long as we get some naked Eric soon…it’s only fair.  All in all, not a bad show and I enjoyed seeing the characters brought to life.  For the most part I actually liked them and it makes the books a little better for me actually.  Hopefully I can find a way to watch season 2 as it happens, somewhere the internet will have it for me right???  I do have a thirst for more!

All photos from True-Blood.tv.

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